Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Gotta' love the apple pie!

All tuckered out after his first Thanksgiving meal.

"What are you doing to me?"
His first official hair cut from the neighbor.

Carson has a thing with socks. I often pick him up from daycare with only one sock because she says he takes it off and it is soak with slobber. We are quite sure, but he is really silly.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Walking His Dinosaur


Pumpkin Carving

Carson was very intrigued by the pumpkin guts, but was a little upset with he had a hard time crawling on the slippery floor.

Pumpkin Patch

Carson went to his first pumpkin patch. Of course, he thought the straw was more exciting than the pumpkins, but what baby wouldn't.


Carson and friend Connor...We were hanging out with our neighbors.

Rainy days and sleepy babies

I hate going to work when my boys get to stay home sleeping. I tried not to wake them with the flash. Aren't they cute!

My little cute dude is growing up too fast. How do you like his new hair do with a wave in the front?

Helping mommy put away groceries.

This is a normal bath...rarely sitting. He is getting better, but he loves to pull himself up in the bath.

Helping Daddy with homework.

Riding his dinosaur.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

One of Carson's favorite things to do is to climb up his music bench. Now that he has learn to climb, he loves it.

He is our little monkey behind bars. He peaks through the gate and says "Mommy, let me in."

Spazzghetti...yum. He got it all over the place and that is why he is all naked in the previous picture.

Still trying to get Tigger even with a gate.

Our little guy has become such an explorer with his new crawling and climbing skills. He wants to go everywhere. He is such a happy baby.

Baby exercises: Pull-ups and Push-ups

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Cutie Pie

Life has been really busy back to work and all, but Carson keeps getting cuter and cuter. He is 8 months and will be 9 months before I know it. His smile melts my heart. He is all over the place. His eating habit are definitely not consistent. He has tried a lot of different baby foods. One minute he likes one thing and hates it the next. He still only sleeps 3-4 hours a time at night. He just started crawl on all fours today. So my little guy is growing up so fast.