Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun pics

Cute sleeper

Tummy time

He is sleeping in his crib now, for the first half of the night. The second half in the bassinet since he still gets up every two hours the second half of the night. He likes his mobile too.

He likes to blow bubbles now and soaks his onesies.

He has found his hands, and whatever else he finds goes to his mouth...

.... like his teddy bear.

He has not reached for anything yet, but he is grabbing onto whatever he finds in his hands.

First Piggy-Back ride

Daddy says it might be the last. Nah, just kidding.

Our little surfer dude

Our little Winnie the Pooh.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


He is actually beginning to look like a liilt bull dog with his cute pudgy cheeks!

Puppy dog face

Sometimes he will have the biggest pouty lip. He won't cry, just give the puppy dog lip and look at me with his puppy lip and eyes.

My dimple baby

Carson has the cutest dimples ever!!!!!

Bath with my clothes on

When mama needs to get ready, Carson will happily sit in his bath and let mama get ready.

Trying to capture a SMILE

Getting close....

... and closer...

..."tricked you, mom...just gas!"

"Ooh, pretty lights!" So easily distracted. Focus, Carson, focus! :)


"Okay, mom, I am done. I am tired. I gave you a smile on camera, now, just let me sleep!"

2 Months

My bubby is 2 months old. Soon he will be off to college. Well, maybe not that soon.
Getting ready for first walk

First wave...okay not really ... but terrrrrrifically cute in tigger!

Likes to play on changer.

Oohh, that feels good!

First shower. After peeing in his bath, Daddy took him for his first shower. He loved it.