Saturday, October 6, 2012


Memorable moments

 Walking in Daddy's shoes

It was so cute the other day. I was sweeping the kitchen, and left the room for a minute. I came back and Carson had gotten out the dust pan and swept the pile into the dust pan. What a smart and helpful little man he is.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One FUN Summer!

We had so much fun this summer. We definitely were kept busy. We had my sister visit, went to the San Diego County Fair, went to Las Vegas, went to Mammoth, and just enjoy watching our two little ones grow. It is hard to see it end, but it is fun to keep watching them grow. 
Carson loved playing with his cousins all summer. He named his cousins, "My guys." He would ask "Where my guys?" He is also almost potty trained too. Ava started baby food, but not quite ready for it. She is working on sitting and crawling. She is definitely a girl on the go. Enjoy the collage pictures.