Saturday, June 12, 2010

Catch up

Carson loves to play with his toes, especially during a diaper change. No he does not make it easy, but he is just too cute for us to care.

It has been a long time since I posted some pictures, but school is almost over and Carson has begun to take long naps, which has given me a little extra time for me. He sleeping now, trying to catch up since he wanted to play between 1 and 3 am last night....and then got up at 5. Well, the following pictures will help catch everyone back up to speed.

Can you believe it has been 5 months! Carson is definitely our Little Sunshine! He is an observer and a lover. He loves to snuggle and will smile at anyone. He was 24 in and 15 lb at the end of May.

Carson and Tiger have a special bond. Carson gets this huge smile and laugh when he sees the kitty cat. Carson even shares he toys.

The warm weather has allowed Carson to be a little surfer cutie!

Carson loved his first time in the pool. We are going to have to get him and infant floatie. He didn't cry at all. He is such an observer and loves to try anything new and different.

Carson loved playing in the pool before it got put up all the way. He is also such a daddy's boy.

We had Carson dedicated to the Lord a few weeks back at church. As parents, we hope he grows up with a love for Christ and is a true servant of the Lord. Carson actually means "Follower of Christ". We just pray that God will help us raise a godly man. He is definitely a sweet blessing to us from God.

Look at Daddy's cool boy. I have a feeling he will be a chick magnet. I am already drawn to his sweet smile.

This is what I came home to one day after work.

My first Mother's Day

I woke up to Carson and Daddy showering me with gifts. Of course, the best gift is my little tulip, Carson. I love watching him grow already.

Too cute in blue! He practically can sit by himself now. We just have to make sure he does not throw himself backwards after he is tired of sitting.

He will sit up in high chair, but only for so long. His favorite thing to do is let Mommy and Daddy carry him all over the house. He just wants to see every thing. He is just wiggle worm and loves to move. So sitting to long is not quite on his agenda.

Sweet sleeping baby! He is my "little man of my dreams"!

He also fell asleep for a brief time the other day in his jumper.

Carson has learned how to spit. I tried to get it on video, but he decided to be a little ham and smile and play. He is such cutie.

Tickles and Giggles: Carson has learned to laugh, and when Daddy rubs he scruff of his chin on his feet, the giggles are endless.

First rice cereal: The first try of rice cereal was not horrible, but the attempts following were nothing but tears. We have tried on and off for a couple weeks. I finally bought some rice cereal with fruit and he has loved it ever since. I guess he just did not like the plan stuff. Of course, he likes the one with the sugar in it. We are going to start trying different vegetable soon. We will keep you updated over the summer, how successful we will be.