Saturday, September 10, 2011



Misc Fun

We woke up one morning with rain, and Carson had his first real experience with rain. He had fun.

He fell asleep with a lollipop in his mouth. I guess no amount of sugar was going to keep him up last week.

He fell asleep during lunch one weekend. It was funny because when he does not want to eat anymore at dinner he turns his nose up.

One morning he was not eating breakfast, so I went to go do dishes while he tried and I turned around to this. He was rubbing the yogurt all over himself and then placing cereal in it all. He then gave me the empty bowl and said all done.

Three months pregnant with #2.

Carson decide to kick up his feet while eating Grammie's birthday cake.

Chilling with Daddy, eating a snack.

Summer fun

He likes blankets. Either laying them on the ground and pretending to go night-night or asking to become a little burrito.

We fixed my old rocking chair one night after he went to bed. This is what is did first thing in the morning.

His favorite word is vacuum. When I take him to daycare and he does not want me to go, they use the magic word vacuum.

Daddy fell asleep. Mommy gave his a blanket and the bear, but Carson decided to give him some love.

"I love my doggy!"

One night I guess Carson was too eager to take a bath. He jumped in with his clothes on. Well, actually he reached to far in and rolled in. Then sat up and smiled. Mommy decided to wash his clothes in the washer instead! :)